Was reading the April 3 issue of Newsweek Magazine...an in-depth cover story about many so-called Web 2.0 sites like MySpace, FaceBook, Flickr, and YouTube, plus some brand new sites like Plum, Digg, Sharpcast and FilmLoop that "are rocking the web." Plum - not yet publicly released - sounds exactly like what I've been looking for. It allows you to pull together collections of searches, emails, documents, photos, etc. all into one well-organized file that you can share. So the next time I want to go crazy with an in-depth surf and research about a vacation destination, for example, I can organize everything, including reservations, into one file that I can save and share. I'll be anxious to see how it improves upon just sticking everything in one folder on the desktop. Can't wait!
Anyway, all that tech stuff made me decide that I need a blog. Don't know who will read it, or why. Or how long I'll contribute to it. I'm already thinking it seems like a waste of time, but at least I did it.
So here it is. My current diversion from the things I should be doing. Blogging.
I need some validation here! Leave a comment and make my blog come alive! Blogspot (Google) makes it pretty difficult to sign up to leave a message, but you can do it.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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