Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Fly Fishing

In my post on March 31, 2006, I said "Fly Fishing" was going to become my next Current Diversion. Four and a half years later, that goal is reality.  Anybody want to hit the stream right now?
September, 2009.  North Platte River,
near Saratoga, WY
North Platte River
Me, our guide Ryan Hudson, and
Joe on the North Platte River.
May, 2010.  Back on the North Platte
near Casper Wyoming.

June, 2010.  Big Thompson River in
Rocky Mountain National Park.
July 2010.  Current River just below
Montauk State Park in Missouri.
September, 2010.  White River innorthern Arkansas,
 just below Bull Shoals Dam.


Anonymous said...

What a great "diversion".
Out in God's incredibly beautiful creation.
A great "pick up and go" most anytime you want to.
Something that your gorgeous wife (and Ellie) can join you in if they want to!

Wonderful pictures. Can't tell you how happy that smile on your face makes me feel. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Nice diversion. You do look pretty happy. The fish from 2009 looks good but that fish from Northern Arkansas is realy nice looking. Glad to see you in a Missouri river too.
